Donnerstag, 21. Juni 2007

Entries to our radio show:

Diary entry

Lovely diary, you are the only one I can tell what I’ m feeling and thinking. I’ m afraid of everything that is happening around me because I don’ t understand what all the violence and painful faces of the people around me mean. I wish I could cry to show everybody what I’ m feeling, I’ m too scared of what will happen after somebody sees me crying. Here, nobody says anything. You can only see these painful faces . . . But why? I don’ t understand it. Please, lovely diary, could you please help me and give me some answers, because I don’ t see sense in the actions of the men in uniforms. If you know something about this then please tell me everything. Please let me wake up from this awful and horrible dream! I have no longer any strength to survive in this situation. This can’ t be true, can it?

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