Donnerstag, 21. Juni 2007

Entries to our radio show:

17 things I Learned about Asian Americans and Racism 1882 - 2007

1. Asian Americans helped the USA to made the USA to this what it is today
2. Chinese Americans are the biggest group of Asian Americans in the USA. And
Filipino Americans are the second largest group in the USA.
3. The Chinese Americans invented Fortune Cookies ans Chop Suey.
4. The Filipino Americans invented the jojo.
5. The Korean Americans invented the nectarine.
6. I got to know what Japanese American Internment Camps was and why this
7. The Japanese Americans fought for the USA although they were brought into
internment camps.
8. Asian Americans had to fight with racism.
9. Asian Americans had to defend against other Asian Americans because they
had also prejudices.
10. I got to know what a “No-No boy“ is. It’ s a person who said “no“ to questions
no. 27 and no. 28 and because of this they were called “disloyal“.
11. I got to know that the police doesn’ t do anything when they are driving
through the “ghettos“.
12. I got to know what skikatte ga nai (= it can’ t be help!), ganbatte (= hold on!)
and kodome no tameni (= for the sake of our children!) means.
13. During the L. A. Race Riots died 24 people.
14. There were over 25 laws in the USA which dicriminating other people.
15. The first chinese immigration wave was from 1850s to 1860s because of the
Gold Rush.
16. I got to know that the immigration of the Korean Americans stopped in 1908
but in 1965 the immigration resumed.
17. I got to know that you can racism divided into different types: once the
institutionalized racism and the everyday racism.

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